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Alexander Siebenstern, Germany
- short video with Alexander

Alex is the founder and co-creator of Aguahara and an aquatic dancer, who regards Aguahara as a highly intense and profound experience interweaving which body-mind-spirit. He strongly believes in the unknown aspects of water and in this element playing an essential role in our lives since we are mainly made of water. Alex's research holds a strong intention of applying aquatic approaches and inspirations to life. His path in life and in exploring energetics and embodiment continually leads him to delve deeper into aquatic consciousness.

Aquatic Experience
A journey into our aquatic being, a connection to a different state of awareness, a dissolving into a wholeness. When we leave earth behind we enter into a complete new universe, where we can explore everything, ourselves, our relations and connections from a new perspective.

Private Session - Aquatic
Welcome to book sessions privately Aquatic Experience with Alexander before, during or after the festival. Book directly with Alexander.

My sessions are an invitation on a journey into our liquid essence, to open a space for a moment of aquatic consciousness. Simply by going into No- Gravity our being enters into a different awareness of itself, which allows to dive into deeper layers of our presence. The unconditional hold and support in the warm water invites to just relax, let go and float into bliss.


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